We have partnered with Kids Gourmet Food to provide delicious and nutritious meals for the children at Camelot Preschool.

We offer morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, and fresh seasonal fruits. The 6-week rotational menu offers an exciting range of flavours, textures and ingredients. We ensure that every child’s dietary needs, including allergies, intolerances, and cultural preferences, are not only met but exceeded, guaranteeing satisfaction and peace of mind for all.


Our friendly speech therapist provides a complimentary annual screening assessment.

Her expertise extends beyond speech alone, encompassing various facets of communication, such as speech sounds, vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, comprehension, social skills, feeding, and literacy. Additionally, she closely attends to a child’s listening and attention skills, play skills, and behaviour, recognising their interconnectedness with communication development.


OWNA Childcare App

Stay connected with your child’s day-to-day activities through our exclusive Owna Childcare App, providing real-time updates, photos, and communication with our staff.

Safe & Secure Centre

Our Preschool is equipped with state-of-the-art security measures and adheres to strict safety protocols, providing a secure environment for your child to thrive. The Preschool can only be accessed via unique PIN codes issued only to parents.

Car and Pram Parking

Convenient car and pram parking facilities are available on-site for hassle-free drop-offs and pickups.

Don't take our word for it!

See what some of our wonderful children’s parents say about us!